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i-Ready is an online program for reading and mathematics that will help your student’s teachers determine their needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows your teachers to meet your student exactly where they are, and provides data to increase their learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts: diagnostic and instruction.

Three times during the year all students will experience i-Ready diagnostic in literacy and math. The purpose of this online tool is to track the growth of students. Our first diagnostic serves as the baseline for data, which tells us what students know and are able to do. In staff professional learning communities (PLCs), math and English language arts teachers will use the data to plan next steps for teaching and learning. The teaching plans may include whole class lessons, group lessons, and tailored individual practice work.

Our hope is that the data we have from i-Ready will help guide our communications with you about student learning. Please encourage students to take their time and do their personal best. We are excited about the potential this tool will bring to the teaching and learning environment.