Welcome to the 7th and 8th volleyball season. Kathy Schulte is the 7th grade coach and Katrina Burke is the 8th grade coach. Our philosophy is to teach kids to have fun and work hard while learning about the wonderful game of volleyball at a competitive level.
Practices and Games
Morning practices will begin at 6:15 A.M. and end around 7:30 AM. Students who miss a morning practice prior to a game will not be allowed to play in the game. Afternoon practices will start at 3:05 and end at 4:30 P.M. Students are expected to leave Franklin immediately after practice. They should not be hanging around school and/or waiting for other athletes/friends to finish their activities.
The first set of B games typically start around 3:30, the A games follow the B games. Your daughter will know which team they will be assigned prior to game day. A schedule of practices and games is attached.
We will provide athletes with a volleyball jersey and hip hugger shorts. Knee pads are not required but many players wear knee pads. All athletes need running/volleyball/tennis shoes during games and practices, no exceptions.
Absences need to be communicated by the student and/or parent prior to the absence or within a 12 hour period of the absence. Students who miss a practice prior to a game will not be allowed to play in the game or ride with the team if the game is at another facility. (Some exceptions include doctor appointments, funerals, other activities such as clubs, tryouts for show choir etc…..)
Bus Expectations
A bus form needs to be filled out by the parent/guardian to take their player home with them. If they are giving a ride to another player, that player’s parent must have filled out the bus form giving permission to the other family to transport.
Player Expectations
Players will not be allowed to have their cell phone during practice or games.
Players are expected to follow all traveling behavior expectations at all times, these include but are not limited to: sitting with team, no trash/items left behind, respect all players including players on opposing team.
Players are expected to follow Franklin locker room rules and expectations.
Being a student is important, school day behavior expectations and homework expectations need to be followed during the school. Office referrals could result in loss of playing time.
T-Shirt Orders
Your player will receive a flyer regarding t-shirt orders.
Team Photos
Students will be given an envelope to order a team/individual pictures prior to picture day. The picture day date will be shared with athletes during practice.
We look forward to our upcoming season and coaching your student athletes. Feel free to contact us anytime.
Kathy Schulte
7th Volleyball Coach
Cell 319-981-4465 (Text or Call)
Katrina Burke
8th Volleyball Coach
Cell 515-650-1466 (Text or Call)